The Clioscope is an Historical Database aiming at gathering data on the « longue-durée » in an standardized form in order to allow the study of political, sociological and economical process.
To do so we gathered various data, such as Sorokin Disturbances index for the political instabilities, economical indicator (wage, GDP, prices) for various periods and other indicator of well-being (size, marriage, infanticid…)
The database have been ordered in different category where are dispatched the currently available data.
Political Instability
The political instability data have been digitalized from Sorokin Vol 3 1937.. Some computational error have been corrected and as well as some minor differences relative to the computation of the geometric mean remain. In particular, we translated the index for Size of the Mass involved and the Intensity into the index used to compute the aggregate component that enter into the computation of the Instability Index according to the table below. Apart from those changes, the wide majority of the data has been untouched. We recommend however to use those data for long term analysis rather than for few or a singular event.

A complete description and discussion of this index can be fine in the extract of the Sorokin book below as well as the table of translation for column E and F.
Sorokin index for France 531-1908
Sorokin index for Italy 526-1922
Sorokin index for Netherland 678-1886
Economical Indicator on XIXe century France
We gathered few economical and demographical data from XIX century France in order to make demographical structural analysis on the period using the eponymous theory.
Population, mariages and births data 1806-1888
Digitalization of data from Emilie Levasseur (1889).
Urbanization data 1801-1869
Digitalization of data provided by Adna Weber on the population growth of french chef-lieux, capital and cities of more than 20k and 100k inhabitants (choosen from 1801 census record’s).
Interest, profit an social stress data 1825-1929
Digitalization of data on profit, interest and social stress summarized by Maurice Lévy-Leboyer in « L’héritage de Simiand : prix, profit et termes d’échange au XIX e siècle« . Interests and profits are estimate from dividends index and social stress from the number of arrests and strikers.
Interest, profit and social stress
Prices data 1810-1910
Digitalization of price index on agriculture, Industry, importations and exportations given by Maurice Lévy-Leboyer and based on the work of François Simiand.
Secular trend, price index 1810-1910